The creator and their creature.

work in progress.

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The person that can appreciate a robot the most is the maker of the robot. This dynamic is unfortunately not experienced by many. The goal of this project is to see if there is a way to design this rare relationship for people that don’t necessarily have technical skills. so that they can get a stronger bond with their robots.

The robot that I designed is autonomous, non anthropomorphic, non zoomorphic. Its behavior can be reprogrammed by the user. The programming language is meant to be ambiguous so that it encourages the back and forth between robot and user. The behavioural logic is all trigger based and is inspired by Subsumption Architecture from Rodney Brooks.

All these robots have been given away to people to have it in their home for a period of time. Half of those people are allowed to program and then we will what impact this makes on the perception of the robot.

complete robot.

Reprogramming the robot

6 robots in an exhibition space.